About Me
Alissa Licata FNP-C, IBCLC
Certified Family Nurse Practitioner
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant
Registered Professional Nurse
Huntington Hospital- Nurse Practitioner Division of Pediatrics Newborn Nursery/Inpatient Pediatrics
Cohen Children’s Medical Center- Nurse Practitioner Division of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology/BMT
Cohen Children’s Medical Center- Nurse Practitioner Division of Adolescent Medicine/Reproductive Health
New York Presbyterian - Registered Nurse Division of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology/BMT
Why I became a Lactation Consultant:
The breastfeeding process can be stressful, exhausting, and challenging but it can also be a beautiful and easy experience for you to enjoy. I became an IBCLC to share my passion for breastfeeding with you and your newborn. My experiences both as a mother and nurse practitioner have given me the skills to help you, your support system and your newborn learn breastfeeding and grow together as a family.
Before I had my two sons, I had always imagined that my breastfeeding experience would be easy and come naturally. Instead, I struggled and felt alone dealing with the pain, fatigue and stress that comes along with breastfeeding if things are not going smoothly. I met with a lactation consultant that provided gentle support and encouragement that got me through the first few weeks of my son’s life. After my consultation, I fell in love with breastfeeding and realized how blessed mothers are to have the opportunity to not only love their babies but be able to provide nutrients to enable them to grow ounce by ounce. I want to be able to provide that experience to other new moms who may not feel that connection right away and I would love the opportunity to provide that comfort for you.